Amigurumi, amigurumi doll, amigurumi free pattern, crochet

Amigurumi Betty Boop Doll Free Pattern-1

Hello dear Amigurumi Followers
Today we share one free amigurumi crochet pattern again for you. As you know we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. The main crochets are amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi llama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi bunny, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi lambs, amigurumi bees, amigurumi unicorns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi foxes, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi dinosaurs, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more …
Todays daily new amigurumi free crochet pattern is Amigurumi Betty Boop Doll.
I want to give you some informations about this pattern ;

Amigurumi Betty Boop Doll Free Pattern-1

Amigurumi Betty Boop Doll Free Pattern:

R1. 6sc in MR (6)
R2-3 (3R). 6sc (6)
R4. (1dec, 1sc) x2 (4)
R5. (1inc, 1sc) x2 (6)
R6-11 (6R). 6sc (6)
sl st and FO

Stuff as you go
R1. 6sc in MR (6)
R2. 6sc (6)
change to skin color yarn
R3-5 (3R). 6sc (6)
R6. 1sc, 2inc, 3sc (8)
R7-8 (2R). 8sc (8)
R9. 1sc, 2dec, 3sc (6)
R10. (1sc, 1inc) x3 (9)
R11. 9sc (9)
R12. 2sc, 3inc, 4sc (12)
R13-14 (2R). 12sc (12)
Cut yarn and FO make a second leg but don’t cut the yarn this time and keep on working.

R15. 3sc, ch1, join the other leg with a sc, 11sc, 1sc on the ch, 9sc (26)
R16. 11sc, 1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 4sc, 1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 5sc (30) R17. 30sc (30)
R18. 9sc, 1dec, (1sc, 1dec) x2, 2sc, (1dec, 1sc) x2, 1dec, 3sc (24)
R19. 2sc, 1dec, 4sc, (1dec, 1sc) x4, 1dec, 2sc (18)
Keep on stuffing the legs
From the next R we’re going to add the red yarn for the dress, so be careful that the red yarn sts are positioned in the front of the doll, not the sides or the back.
We’re also working BLO in R21-22, those sts have to start in the back of the doll, so fix the BLO numbers of sts if you need to.
R20. 8sc, change color to red, 10sc (18)
R21. 8sc, BLO 3sc, change to skin, BLO 1sc, change to red, BLO 6sc (18sc)
R22. BLO 6sc, BLO 1dec, 2sc, change to skin, 3sc, change to red, 2sc, 1dec, 1sc (16)
R23. 8sc, change to skin, 5sc, change to red, 3sc (16)
R24. 7sc, change to skin, 7sc, change to red, 2sc (16)
R25. 6sc, change to skin, 9sc, change to red, 1sc (16)
R26. 2inc, 1sc, 2inc, change to skin, 11sc (20)
R27. change to red, 1sc, 2inc, 2sc, 2inc, 1sc, change to skin, 11sc (23)
R28. 1sc, change to red, 2dec, 2sc, 2dec, 1sc, change to skin, 11sc (19)
Stop to work the skirt

Join red yarn on the side with the doll upside down
R1. (1sc, 1inc, 1sc) x6 (24)
R2. 24sc (24)
R3. (3sc, 1inc) x6 (30)
R4-8 (5R). 30sc (30)
In the next R the hdc inc have to be on the sides
R9. ch3, 2hdc inc, 13inc, 2hdc inc, 10inc (60)
sl st and FO
Keep working on the body

In the next R we will join the arms, they have to be on the sides so fix the number of sts if you need to.
R29. 1sc, change to red, 1dec, change to skin, 1dec, change to red, 1dec, 1sc, change to skin, 2sc, join arm with a sc, 5sc on the arm, 9sc, join arm with a sc, 5sc on the arm (28)
R30. 1sc, BLO 1sc, 1sc, BLO 2sc, 1dec, (5sc, 1dec) x3 (24)
R31. (1sc, 1dec, 1sc) x6 (18)
R32. (1sc, 1dec) x6 (12)
R33. 12inc (24)
R34. (1sc, 1inc) x12 (36)
R35. (1sc, 1inc, 1sc) x12 (48)
R36. 48sc (48)
R37. 1sc, 1dec, 12sc, (1dec, 2sc) x3, 12sc, (2sc, 1dec) x2, 1sc (42)
R38. (5sc, 1dec) x6 (36)
R39. 36sc (36)
R40. (2sc, 1dec, 2sc) x6 (30)
R41. 30sc (30)
R42. (2sc, 1inc, 2sc) x6 (36)
The underelined sts have to be on the sides
R43. 1sc, 1inc, 9sc, (1inc, 2sc) x3, 9sc, (2sc, 1inc) x2, 1sc (42)
R44-46 (3R). 42sc (42)
Stop to work the details of her face

R1. 6sc in MR (6)
R2. 1inc, change to black, 2inc, change to white, 1inc, 1sl st (8)
FO, leave a long end for sewing.
Embroider mouth
Keep working on the body

R47. 42sc (42)
R48. (5sc, 1dec) x6 (36)
R49. (2sc, 1dec, 2sc) x6 (30)
Start stuffing
R50. (3sc, 1dec) x6 (24)
R51. (1sc, 1dec, 1sc) x6 (18)
R52. (1sc, 1dec) x6 (12)
R53. 6dec (6)
Close the hole and FO
Sew the eyes on and embroider eyelashes and eyebrows.

Strand 1-10. ch18, 17sc (17)
Join yarn in the 4th st of the first and last strands.
ch4, 3sl st, 1sl st where you joined the yarn.
(Count 3sts and join yarn in the 4th, ch4, 3sl st, 1sl st where you joined yarn) x2
Weave in all ends.

Strand1-6. ch14, 13sc (13)
Pass the tail left through the base loop of the strands.
Sew all the strands to the head or glue them.

ch8, sl st in the first ch to make a circle

ch14, wrap it around the leg and sl st in the first ch to make a circle
with red yarn embroider a little heart on the ch

Your amigurumi doll is ready!

More Amigurumi Doll Ideas:

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